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Gluco Shield

Gluco Shield Pro

Gluco Shield Pro – Video Presentation
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5 Simple Tips To Keep Your Blood Sugar Levels Stable

Hello, my name is Gregory Johnson

Hello, my name is Gregory Johnson

I am an independent scientific researcher and frequently paid consultant to some of the nation’s prestigious academic institutions. I have spent every single moment of my professional career researching one single disease: TYPE II DIABETES.

Now, as I approach the end of my career, I want to share all the valuable knowledge I’ve gathered all these years… And help people all over the world live a better life by spreading awareness on how anyone can better manage their blood sugar levels with no insulin shots or medication.

Here are the easiest things you can do each day to help achieve that goal:

Take a shot of apple cider vinegar.

Swigging apple cider vinegar might not sound appealing, but it could help keep your blood sugar in balance if taken before you eat. Some research has found that consuming ACV reduced post-meal blood sugar levels by about half in healthy patients. The theory is that acetic acid, a component of the vinegar, slows down the conversion of carbohydrates into sugar in the bloodstream. Pro tip: Mix a tablespoon or two into a glass of water—taking it straight will burn!

1. Breakfast – The Most Important Meal

Make sure you have a high-energy breakfast and modest dinner if you want to keep dangerous blood sugar spikes under control. If you eat more calories in the morning, when your glucose response to food is lowest, you will reduce glucose peaks throughout the day.

2. Physical Activity is a Must

Exercise is crucial for your blood sugar control. You do not have to hit the gym and sweat out on the treadmill as if it is the end of the world. Just 30 minutes a day of light exercise is all you need. Muscle movement means utilization of insulin, which in turn means keeping glucose under control. So add some yoga, jogging or simple walking to your everyday schedule and you will see the difference it makes.

3. Probiotics, Your Secret Ally

You already know that probiotics support your digestive health, but they also have an important role in maintaining your blood sugar levels within normal limits. Natural sources of probiotics are plain yogurt, kefir, kombucha or kimchi. And if you want to help probiotic bacteria thrive, you can also add to your diet fiber-rich leafy greens and vegetables.

4. Meal Balance

Make sure that you include healthy fats, fibers and proteins into each meal to manage your appetite and stabilize blood sugar. Although each of these nutrients help balance blood sugar on their own, they are more powerful and efficient when used together.

5. Apple Cider Vinegar – A Secret Weapon

Although it might not sound appealing, a shot of apple cider vinegar mixed with water before you eat, will help in keeping your blood sugar in balance. Apple cider vinegar can cut post-meal blood sugar levels by half. ACV contains acetic acid which slows down the carbohydrates’ conversion into sugar in the bloodstream.

I have always dreamed of a world where people could manage to keep their blood sugar under control while living their lives however they want.

My entire career was focused on researching and testing numerous methods that could really make a positive impact on people’s lives.

After many sleepless nights, I have managed to perfect a simple, yet potent formula, made only from natural ingredients, vitamins and minerals such as Rhodiola, Chamomile, Lemon Balm, Skullcap, Hawthorn , Bacopa, Magnolia, Passion Flower, Valerian, L-T heanine, Oat Straw, St. John’s Wart, Hops, Vitamins B1, B2, B6, Zinc, Magnesium, Calcium, among others.

I was over the moon with my discovery and I could not wait to share it with the whole world.

So, together with the help of some friends who own a small supplement company, I’ve decided to produce it and make it available for everybody:

We called it: ‘Gluco Shield Pro’

Given all these powerful ingredients, I initially wanted to set the value for a bottle of Gluco Shield Pro at $99 a bottle. And, if you see this from our point of view, I’m sure you can understand why.

All the ingredients used are natural, some of them quite rare and hard to obtain… Well, given all of this, $99 a bottle should seem like a TOTAL STEAL.

But like I mentioned already, Gluco Shield Pro is not about us making a profit. Which is why there’s no chance I could consider charging you $99 for this. And because you’re watching this presentation, you will benefit from a discount from our awareness campaign…

If you act today, through this website… and make the life changing decision of investing in this extraordinary natural weapon, you can have it for yourself…

For Just $69 Per Bottle!

But wait!

I’m going to sweeten the deal even more. So, please, let me put more money into your pocket right now.
I’ve set up a discounted package system of 6 bottles of Gluco Shield Pro for you, for only 49 dollars a bottle, for a total of 294 bucks which is being offered TODAY…for as long as supplies last.

It’s a screaming bargain! You also get free shipping on us. So go ahead, click below to secure your order right now.

Why not profit from this window of opportunity today?
Consider this the smallest, but the most powerful investment that you have ever done for yourself!
You may be saying “OK! This sounds amazing and I’m interested! How do I get started?”

Just click the yellow button below after choosing the best package for you, and you’ll end up on our secure checkout page.

Enter your payment details, place the order… and in 7 days from this moment, you’ll get Gluco Shield Pro right at your front door!



$69/ Bottle

TOTAL: 99 $69



$49/ Bottle

TOTAL: 594 $294



$59/ Bottle

TOTAL: 297 $177

You have absolutely nothing to risk.
Because you are also covered by our 60 Days “100% Money Back” Guarantee.

It works like this:

You just click the “Buy Now” button that’s below right now. Experience the incredible results that more than 64,000 people just like you have already experienced…

And if you’re not happy with your decision to invest for any reason whatsoever… All you have to do is send an email. And I will immediately refund your entire purchase with ZERO questions asked.

I’m taking all of the risk here, which means you’ve got absolutely nothing to lose.
Go ahead and click on one of the “Buy Now” buttons you see below this presentation right now.

Try Gluco Shield Pro for yourself, completely risk free. The choice is yours – but you already know what you need to do. Click on one of the “Buy Now ” buttons right now… take your free test run and completely change your life.



$69/ Bottle

TOTAL: 99 $69



$49/ Bottle

TOTAL: 594 $294



$59/ Bottle

TOTAL: 297 $177